The Craft

Porcelain Mud Ireland

The Mud

Ming porcelain is our clay of choice because of its luxurious smooth feel and radiant white colour. Whilst it takes a lot of skill and patience to work with the diva of clays, it is worth it! The pure white canvas gives a depth of colour to the glaze unparalleled with other clay bodies. Known as white gold, this premium clay can only be found naturally in China, so we import it just for you!

Mud Ireland Hands

The Hands

To master the craft of making pottery takes around 7 years! The best way to become a potter is through an apprenticeship. It’s a type of kinaesthetic learning where your hands can learn by doing. Repeating the process thousands of times, it becomes like second nature and that is when it becomes truly satisfying and relaxing! A potter’s hands become very finely attuned to the clay, so they can react to minute differences in every unique piece.

Mud Ireland Storage Jar 2

The Glaze

Our signature glazes have been carefully developed in the lab by our potter. They are designed to pool in, flow over and accentuate the throwing rings, which mark the path of the makers hand. Our sumptuous glazes have a depth of colour that is unrivalled with bought in colours. Our unique recipes are formulated for scratch resistance, so that they can be used daily and thrown in the dishwasher or sink without a worry.

Mud ireland pottery kiln

The Fire

Each pot passes through the potter’s hands 17 times from ball of clay to glazed pot. It’s a four week long process and cannot be rushed. It requires patience, attention to detail and a lot of love for the craft! They go through two separate firings in the kiln to extremely high temperatures (1300oc). These firings melt the glaze and leave the pottery fully vitrified and ready for use.

Now you know all about the Craft,
Check out our Collections!

We have lots of beautiful pottery ready to ship straight to your front door.